Bioresonance is an alternative treatment method used to detect and correct energy imbalances using the body's electromagnetic frequencies. This therapy aims to intervene in stress, toxins, allergies and other health problems that occur in the body by analyzing whether the electromagnetic waves emitted by cells and organs are healthy. Bioresonance therapy is known as a non-invasive and painless method that aims to support the body's natural healing processes. **Basic Principles of Bioresonance:** Bioresonance therapy is based on the idea that cells and organs in the body emit certain frequencies when they are functioning healthily. When these frequencies are disrupted due to stress, disease or environmental factors, energy imbalances and health problems can occur. Bioresonance devices detect these imbalances by analyzing the body's electromagnetic field and then try to correct these disorders by sending back the correct frequencies. **Areas of Use:** - **Allergy Treatment:** Bioresonance is used to alleviate allergic reactions such as food allergies, environmental allergies and chemical sensitivities. By identifying and correcting the frequencies that cause allergies, symptoms can be reduced. - **Detoxification:** In cases where toxins and heavy metals accumulate in the body, bioresonance therapy can help to remove these harmful substances from the body. This is used to improve general health and increase energy levels. - **Addiction Treatment:** Bioresonance therapy can be applied as a supportive method in the process of getting rid of cigarettes, alcohol or other addictions. The aim of this process is to regulate the frequencies associated with addiction. - **Stress Management:** Bioresonance can help reduce mental and physical stress by balancing the frequencies that cause stress in the body. **Treatment Process:** Bioresonance treatment is usually applied in several sessions and each session lasts 30-60 minutes. During the treatment, the patient sits or lies in a comfortable position, and electrodes connected to the bioresonance device are placed on the body. These devices detect the body's electromagnetic waves and make the necessary corrections. No pain or discomfort is felt during the procedure. Bioresonance, despite its limited scientific evidence, is preferred by many people as a complementary treatment method. Before starting this treatment, it is important to talk to a health professional and evaluate whether the treatment is suitable for your personal health condition. Bioresonance can be used as a supportive method, especially in dealing with chronic diseases, allergies and stress.